NACHI - The National Association
of Certified Home Inspectors - The World's Elite Inspectors
Serving the Idaho Falls Region
Lybeck Home Inspection Service
Eric Lybeck
Nationally Certified Residential Inspector
(208) 709-3476
Certified by the National Association of Certified Home Inspectors - 
Click here to verify.

10 questions to ask a prospective home inspector:

1: How much time will you spend inspecting my house?
2: Will you report all defects that you find, or just “major” defects valued as a preset monetary value?
3: Do you inspect and load test all accessible electrical outlets, or do you just perform a “survey”?
4: Do you operate all conveying appliances for normal operation?
5: Do you report measured temperatures of hot water, refrigerator, freezer, and oven @ 350° setting?
6: Do you perform an actual smoke test on all smoke detectors? (Vs. just pushing the test button)
7: Do you monitor for Carbon Monoxide and Combustible Gasses during the inspection?
8: Will you provide a complete detailed “on-site” inspection review with me, and take the time to show and explain all findings, and answer all my questions?
9: Will you allow me 30 days to pay for this inspection, and /or allow me to “roll” fees in the closing costs?
10: After I move into my home, I may find undiscovered problems. Will you be available to me after the inspection to answer any questions or concerns that may come up?
No doubt some of these questions are tough and even a little "pushy", but a house is a huge investment. This is no time to settle for anything but the most thorough and detailed inspection available. As your inspector, you can be assured that I have your interests as #1.

Click Here for My Answers to These Questions!

Inspected Once - Inspected Right