NACHI - The National Association
of Certified Home Inspectors - The World's Elite Inspectors
Serving the Idaho Falls Region
Lybeck Home Inspection Service
Eric Lybeck
Nationally Certified Residential Inspector
(208) 709-3476
Certified by the National Association of Certified Home Inspectors - 
Click here to verify.


The Conventional way:
Most inspection methods rely on notes and/or recordings, which are later transcribed into a computer program to generate a report. These reports are pretty, but information can be lost using this method.
The LHIS Check-System way:
  • Your report will be approximately 50 pages long.
  • Your report is written during the inspection. (Not later that evening.)
  • Digital color photographs are taken of all areas of concern.
  • Your report is also double-checked and compiled immediately following the inspection.
  • This assures information will not be lost or forgotten.
  • Your report is easy to read and understand, and will be ready in a few hours following the inspection.
  • I also will thoroughly review all inspection results with you, on-site.
Proprietary LHIS Check-system software guides the inspection process.
A sample report is on .pdf format, and may be downloaded by clicking below:
Lybeck Home Inspection Service - Sample Report
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