Graduate of Montana State University.
Bachelor of Science Degree in Mechanical Engineering Technology, 1993.
Extensive study in building and solar heating systems.
Fully trained in All areas of home inspection using NACHI
approved courses. (Structural, Roofing, Electrical, & more)
Fully trained per EPA Protocols For Radon and Radon Decay
Product Measurements in Homes (EPA 402-R-92-003).
Fully trained on CPSC Recalls and Alerts For Cadet In-Wall Heaters
(CPSC Release# 00-070; Alert# 02-531).
Certified by Environmental Data Resources Inc. (EDR) as a Qualified Provider of Neighborhood Environmental Reports.
(EDR-Certified Partner)
Trained and Certified for Methamphetamine (Meth) Sampling and Clandestine Lab Assessment and Sampling
(Environmental Solutions Association).
Associate Member in good standing of the Greater Idaho Falls Association of REALTORS®.
Fully Certified by the National Association of Certified
Home Inspectors (NACHI).
NACHI, established in 1990, is the largest inspection
association in North America. Many states have adopted
NACHI’s rigorous certification agenda as their own for
inspector licensing.
Only the best inspectors pass the NACHI certification test.
(Click here for actual test statistics.)
Currently, Idaho has no licensing
requirements, so home inspector certification is voluntary.
My background in mechanical and electrical engineering,
as well as extensive involvement in all phases of residential
construction, provide the basis for a very detail
oriented and knowledgeable inspection.
I enjoy using my skills to help others,
and I will take the time needed to do the job right.
I won’t be “rushed”.
A thorough inspection depends heavily
on the individual inspector’s own effort.
If you honor me by permitting me to inspect your new home,
I guarantee that I will give you my very best effort.
This I promise you.